Laconia Housing Leadership
We provide comprehensive housing and support services for people of need in order to promote and enhance a better way of life for the whole community.
Laconia Housing Board of Commissioners' Meetings
The Laconia Housing Board of Commissioners meet on the second Thursday of each month at noon via Zoom, or at another location as may be determined appropriate. Upcoming meetings to be held on May 14, June 11, July 9, August 13 and September 10, 2020.
All meetings are open to the public.
Next Board of Commissioners' Meeting
The next Laconia Housing Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 10, 2020 at
11:45 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada).
If you have any issues with connecting to the meeting please call 603-737-2214.
Board Members
Robert M. Harrington, Chairperson
Kenneth Malone, Vice Chairperson
Patrick Wood
Mark Condodemetraky
Sonya Misiaszek
Executive Director
Thomas Cochran
Telephone: 603-737-2214
Read the minutes of the Board of Commissioners' Meeting: May 14, 2020

Read the minutes of the Board of Commissioners' Meeting: June 2020

Read the minutes of the Board of Commissioners' Meeting: July 2020

Read the minutes of the Board of Commissioners' Meeting: August 2020