Laconia Housing, also known as Laconia Housing & Redevelopment Authority and Laconia Housing Authority, was established in 1950 by a vote of the Laconia City Council. After a period of inactivity, the organization was reactivated in 1962 and has operated since as a joint agreement between the City of Laconia and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Utilizing federal government programs, Laconia Housing offers subsidized housing through the properties they own and manage partnerships, and by administering subsidized housing vouchers in the Laconia area.
The organization provided housing for people displaced by Laconia’s downtown redevelopment in the late 1960s. Community needs have since changed and the organization has changed its work and mission to serve a wider population. Today, Laconia Housing provides housing opportunities for nearly 2,000 area residents, including the elderly, disabled, working families, and professionals. The non-profit organization is overseen by a Board of Commissioners who are appointed by the Laconia City Manager to serve five-year terms.

Today, Laconia Housing provides housing opportunities for over 700 households/families (nearly 2,000 people) including:
407 Housing Choice Vouchers (formerly Section 8)
To meet the growing demand for senior services, Laconia Housing implemented several innovative programs including:
Laconia Housing Home Health Agency - nursing services and personal care
Choices for Independence (CFI) - support services while living independently.
Laconia Housing has a dedicated staff providing excellent care and service.