Do you need help paying your rent and utilities because of COVID-19?
Apply at or CALL 2-1-1
The New Hampshire Emergency Rental Assistance Program provides assistance to eligible residents who cannot pay their rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Apply at the Community Action Partnership (CAP) agency in your area.
Past-due and future rent payments.
Utilities, such as electricity, home heating costs, water, sewer, trash.
Other housing-related costs such as internet and relocation expenses associated directly or indirectly with COVID-19.
Relocation expenses including rental application fees, utility hook-up fees, and security deposits.
You may qualify for utility assistance even if you do not receive or need rental assistance
At least one person in your household has qualified for unemployment benefits, had their income reduced, had significant costs, or had other financial hardship due to COVID-19. Certain income requirements must be met.
You do not need to be receiving unemployment benefits payments.
The CAP agency will assist in identifying information needed.
Eligible households may qualify for assistance for past-due and future rent and utility payments for a period not to exceed 15 months.