Notice of Public Hearing
The Laconia Housing and Redevelopment Authority (LHRA) will hold a public hearing December 3, 2019 at 10:00 AM in their office at 32 Canal Street in Laconia, NH. The purpose of the hearing is to receive comments from the public on a proposed amendment to the current LHRA 2015-2019 5-Year Plan and on the proposed LHRA Annual Plan and 2020-2024 5-Year Plan.
The proposed 2015-2019 Plan amendment and the new 2020-2024 Plan address the intention of LHRA to re-position Sunrise Towers from a Public Housing project to a Project Based Voucher project under the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Streamlined Voluntary Conversion program. Copies of the documents may be viewed at the LHRA central office at 32 Canal Street in Laconia during normal business hours. The documents are also available for viewing anytime on-line at Comments may be presented at the public hearing or in writing any time prior to the public hearing. For more information, call 603-524-2112.