I want to welcome our new Sunrise House tenants to a new chapter in senior living in the Granite State.
Sunrise House is a 16 unit, purpose built, fully accessible residential facility designed to expand the service programs currently offered at our next-door Sunrise Towers. Laconia Housing now provides Sunrise House tenants personal care from Licensed Nursing Assistants, housekeeping, laundry, daily meals, and other services designed to allow individuals to remain living an independent lifestyle. Housing Choice Vouchers are available for rental assistance and the Choices for Independence (CFI) Medicaid waiver makes the supportive service program affordable to a very low-income population. In addition, there are market rate apartments available that also provide services at a reasonable cost to somewhat higher income households.
We also provide the daily living amenities and activities coordination that are vital for community living.
New Hampshire’s population is aging at a more rapid rate than most of the nation. Our new Sunrise House model is a new, fiscally sound alternative to the traditional nursing home alternative, while at the same time allowing individuals the dignity and enjoyment of independent living in a residential, downtown setting. Significant federal, state, and private funding made the development and on-going operation of Sunrise House a reality. Without the foresight and cooperation of leadership at all levels of government and our community, this project would not be possible. We are grateful to our community, state and federal partners who build a model of safe housing with support services that Laconia Housing has put in place.
The process of turning Dick Weaver’s vision into a reality was that much easier thanks to our many partners’ understanding the benefit of the Sunrise House independent living model and what it provides not only to the tenants but the agency partners Laconia Housing works with. Given the community setting, agencies can work expeditiously with the tenant population in a comprehensive manner: case managers, mental health agencies can serve more tenants to provide the vital services available just like our staff can.
Our new tenants have resident service coordinators now assist in getting outside services and day-to-day assistance- bookkeeping assistance , grocery delivery, community events planned with our activities coordinators and medical transportation. We are proud of Sunrise House, and happy to introduce it to the region!
Tom Cochran
Executive Director
Laconia Housing